3 thoughts on “A much more famous blogger found her Blogspot deleted

  1. Hmmm.

    I read all of the links, as far as I could. About all I could conclude is some people can really excel at coming off like a jerk on the Internet. I’m mostly talking about the comments (the ones at TechDirt in particular), but I did laugh at someone referencing Wheaton’s law.

    (Wheaton being Wil Wheaton, I’m sure, i.e. “Don’t be a dick!”)

    This like so many other things… always an exception out there, always someone who says things are quite peachy no matter hard evidence to the contrary– although, the world is big and complex enough place I do understand both can exist.

    You know I’m partial to WordPress and I have almost zilch experience with Blogger. Following other people’s blogs, yes, doing my own there, no. With the VOX shutdown, I just quickly summed up my options and WordPress seemed best.

    Not all of my contacts agreed, so I set up an RSS feed, client-side, of course. I’d love for something unified again so I hear from people more often, but… *sigh* yada yada I miss VOX, even when it was going into the crapper, etc.

  2. You’ve summed it up pretty well, Jak. My intent was to show that for all the pros and cons of Blogger, it really falls down on customer service. Comments are always good places to find some odd people on our planet. I don’t think the world’s going to hell in a hand basket, but I do think the internet reveals more clearly just how stupid some folks are—and how much work the education sector has got in front of it.
       Vox was a great platform. Shame it stopped working for me long before it died. I still have dead links all over the place because of the shutdown, particularly on this blog, where I occasionally reposted things.

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