3 thoughts on “Check your Google Feedburner feeds: are they serving the correct sites?

  1. I don’t think as many blogs/webcomics I follow use Feedburner as much now as when I first started using a feed reader.

    Might that say something? I don’t know.

  2. Is it because fewer people use RSS feeds these days? I don’t hear much about them, and when Google killed Reader, I thought that was a sign that the technology was dying.

  3. Maybe, Jack.

    But I *need* feed readers, to keep track of the blogs I read across multiple platforms, for webcomics, and so on. I came to Google Reader late in the game, but I didn’t care for it, ultimately.

    My tastes are fairly specific and eclectic at the same time. WordPress’s Reader has enough that I don’t like about it just for that blog platform alone.

    What else is there? I sense we are comparing apples and oranges as far as our experiences. I am still quite solidly with Linux for the most part, and maybe that forms part of mine– that my computing needs are just very different. I will always look at mobile computers as thin clients, and don’t use them very much, etc.

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