This may be wise, or it may not be. I thought netizens would want to know if a page was ancient, and since Google keeps putting really old stuff that hasn’t been linked for nearly 20 years into the top 10 for a search, I may as well let readers know what they’re going to click on by telling them in the meta descriptions of some of our 2000–5 pages.
I guess Bing led the way, showing that you should turn search engines into Wayback Machines, and Google has recently followed suit, putting these old framesets and pages up instead of the current indices that it used to show. Who knows what’s going on with these folks? Maybe they love nostalgia?
I know I’ve complained, too, when search engines offer up novelty over relevance, but here these pages aren’t even that relevant. Certainly not the ones you’d expect to see in the top 10 if search engines spidered like they used to (and Mojeek and Brave clearly still do).