The new disinformation posts may have stopped, but there’s tidying to do

In the businesses I’m actually involved in, there aren’t that many unsavoury people. Maybe in the early to mid-2000s I came across some hangers-on in the fashion world. But SEO, wow, there’s a great deal of unscrupulousness. I’ve seen their con-merchant emails since the late 1990s—all the more reason that being grouped as one of them is so offensive.

Here’s an exchange in the comment fields of a disinformation splogger.
Giving an opportunity for a disinformation splogger to do the right thing; instead he lies about being friends with my namesake. I respond saying that I know he only wrote his post because of a bogus result in Semrush.

Kiddo, don’t double-down on lying when the game has already been lost. And don’t try it on with someone much, much smarter than you who can spot a keyword-stuffing post a mile off, and who’s had far more experience tracking their emergence and evolution on the web for nine months.

This lad is a tiny bit smarter than the one who linked to my site to show me who the “real” Jack Yan is.

Semrush continues to do damage even after they came clean—I’m still tidying up their mess.

And there really are people who would prefer to look gullible, fooled by a computer algorithm.

The take-downs continue in the meantime. Speaking of bad judgement, there really are people who would prefer to lose their entire sites rather than delete a single disinformation post.
A 404 page on a Hostinger site after the site has been removed by the host for disinformation
No great loss. With each disinformation site removal, the World Wide Web smells that much more, if ever so faintly, of roses.

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