Saab promises new generation of cars will have original DNA

Rumour has it that the new Saab—a small car (finally)—will resemble the ur-Saab, the 92. In fact, inside Saab, it has the codename 92.    Where have I heard this one before? I know. Stefan Engeseth’s Detective Marketing, 2001 edition. And from what I understand, since in 1999 I could not read much Swedish, it […]

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Anyone else with a new Google results’ page?

Anyone else have a different results’ page layout for Google? Only began happening this morning (NZDT) to me, though I imagine others must have this by now.    Despite my fairly regular moans about technology, I seem to be among the first to get some features. I remember getting the Digg Toolbar about two or […]

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Beyond Branding Blog removed from Blogger today

As of tonight, the Beyond Branding Blog, where I first cut my teeth blogging, is no more.    The posts are still there, but no further comments can be entered on to the site. The nearly four years of posts remain as an archive of some of our branding thought of that period.    The […]

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A tribute to those special Ks

I believe we have all the basic Chrysler K-cars of the early 1980s on Autocade as of today.    Older readers might remember that at the dawn of the 1980s, Chrysler was in terrible shape and needed loan guarantees—as opposed to a bailout—from the US Government. With Chairman Lee Iacocca at the helm, the company […]

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A new website and Facebook fan page for my mayoral campaign

Four years ago, I asked readers of the Beyond Branding Blog if they wanted to see me blog at my own space. The responses were all positive, and this blog was born.    Earlier tonight, after being egged on by two friends, I posed the question on Twitter and Facebook: should there be a ‘Jack […]

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