It pays to read the terms and conditions

Hopefully we can get an answer on this from Doubleclick. I fed the following in to its publisher form tonight: Hello there: we currently deal with Gorilla Nation Media, an ad network that calls Doubleclick code … While we can control the ads that we get via GNM—as we can equally do with Burst Media—we […]

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The small things spoil the flight

We might get critical over the upcoming uniforms, but the service on Air New Zealand that I experienced was very good. The staff was brilliant (deserving of whatever award was given to them), and the personal screens remain a lifesaver for in-air boredom. (I was surprised that Lufthansa, an airline I used to enjoy flying, […]

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The “other” Tsang Tsou Choi biography

I can’t find much by way of biography for artist Tsang Tsou Choi (曾灶財), the self-titled ‘King of Kowloon’ (九龍皇帝), but the following gives a good summary about how most feel about him:    Since his death, some of his work has been destroyed by the Hong Kong authorities, though others have been preserved. (Initially, […]

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A reminder to the British Government: Hong Kong Chinese have died for you

Remember the issue I had last year with getting a new Permanent Identity Card for Hong Kong and finding that the British Government—which I have accused of apartheid over the situation surrounding British Overseas Nationals—would not do its job via the Foreign & Commonwealth Office?    No, it hasn’t been solved, but I thought it […]

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I remember 1973 more clearly than Sam Tyler

I read a blog post tonight on my friend Jen’s Tumblr, about a memory that goes back to when she was about three or so. But she wondered if it was accurate.    I believe it was, because for me, by age three I had over two years’ worth of memories. I have met two […]

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