The ‘Wellywood’ sign: people power gets things done

That was a very interesting 30 hours. I found out about the ‘Wellywood’ sign yesterday afternoon, through Twitter, and Tweeted to say I hated it. Little did I know then that there was a huge Facebook group—6,000 strong at the time of writing—where Wellingtonians were making their voices known.    And when I got there […]

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Hong Kong disappears from Cities I’ve Visited app?

I have a feeling something is wrong with Cities I’ve Visited on Facebook. (Actually, something’s been wrong for a long time, either with the application, Facebook, or something between the two.) Not only has it not published new cities I’ve entered on this most recent trip, I now notice that while the important metropolis of […]

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When Facebook robs you of having a profile pic

I will have more from my Swedish and French tour soon, but I will say that I had a marvellous time in Malmö and Lund on my first day in Sweden (especially getting a feel for Lund’s environmental programmes), Kristianstad and Hassleholm on my second, and on my return to Stockholm. A big-up to Stefan […]

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As the 2010s dawn, there’s a vacuum on the internet

Rick Klau’s action today in restoring Vincent’s Social Media Consortium blog got me putting things into perspective.    We know sites like Blogger and Vox are free, but what happens when they fail?    Vox, the Six Apart blogging service, had been where I had put my personal posts—as well as a bunch of private […]

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A new website and Facebook fan page for my mayoral campaign

Four years ago, I asked readers of the Beyond Branding Blog if they wanted to see me blog at my own space. The responses were all positive, and this blog was born.    Earlier tonight, after being egged on by two friends, I posed the question on Twitter and Facebook: should there be a ‘Jack […]

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