Donna Manning’s home was burgled yesterday. You have no idea how angry I feel.
Even if I didn’t know her, I would, right now, want to go “Gene Hunt” on the thieves.
To the person or persons who did over the Mannings’ place: you are the worst kind of human being.
You have taken advantage of a family that has lost a daughter, sister and a mother and added to their suffering.
You have acted without any thought or compassion that any normal human being would have at a time of loss.
You are scum.
Even worse, if you knew who they were.
If you saw the photo of their suffering and spotted an opportunity.
While we all sympathized with the Manning children, you decided to do over their home.
I will tell you this: you sick freaks had better run.
Because there’ll be fences who have more compassion than you do when you confront them with these goods.
And don’t think the law’s too busy to deal with you.
Donna Manning was well respected in Christchurch.
After the judge has thrown the book at you, your fellow inmates will know exactly what to do on your arrival.