Using “AI”: you need to know when answers are disinformation

You need your wits about you more often than not, especially when Bing tells you MIT went online in 1881   Having come up blank in regular web searches on Mojeek, Google and Bing, I resorted to LLM-driven bots to see if they would help. I wanted to know if anyone predated Lucire into turning […]

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Tech misdeeds are now too numerous

You don’t need me keeping score: misdeeds in the tech industry, from Adobe using user content for its “AI” tools to Elon Musk being a Nazi, are a daily occurrence now, and plenty of others are writing about them. At the top end, it seems such a poisonous area to be in, especially with so […]

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Using once-legitimate sites to host SEO spam

The web is full of bollocks these days, thanks to Google rewarding junk. Here’s The European Business Review, which looks like a legit publication.     Not that you can tell from its website:     As their latest print cover is on “AI”, then maybe it is only fitting that their website is stuffed […]

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Tesla misfires, Toyota lies

The 1983 Corolla liftback—the E80 series was peak Corolla, relative to what was on offer in the C segment. Toyota was on a high then.   Tesla finished itself this year, by firing its new-product development team at a time when it desperately needs new products—proper products, too, not the Cyberstuck which has so many […]

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My friend Randy writes a book; our ‘Written by humans’ graphic; Hart’s is economical

  Extra plug for my friend Randy Scobey, who has written a memoir. Since Randy and I met through blogging in 2006, it seems fitting to mention this on my blog. What I wrote in Lucire about his book is heartfelt. If you want to read a first-hand account on the stigma felt by the […]

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Which other Glen A. Larson production did this girl group appear in?

  This girl group appears in three Glen A. Larson productions that I can think of, and probably appears in more. Switch, Knight Rider and Cover Up are the three I know of. Their fashions and hairstyles, plus those of the audience, would place this in the first part of the 1970s—by the time they […]

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The allies who are helping fight back against misinformation

The truth-tellers are starting to emerge on the web, combatting the misinformation that Semrush users have been uploading for the last few months. The best written is from Crestify Studio in New Jersey, where its president Allen Wang has been a great ally. They were innocently and very briefly caught up in the misinformation but, […]

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Testing occidental search engines on site: again: Mojeek, Bing more normal

It was about time I had a look at the occidental search engines again, using a search to see how they fared. The previous test for this site was in May 2023. I knew Google was still terrible, and I knew Bing had improved since the days of having 10 results for the domain. […]

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For the sake of our city, it’s important to take the opportunities to move forward

The late 1990s were a heady time here in Aotearoa. The web—pre-Google, pre-monopolies—was indeed the great leveller: anyone with the right skills could create something online that competed at a global level. Aotearoa, which had for years felt a little backward in time—TV shows would arrive here two to three years after they aired in […]

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Healthy jumps on Autocade

I’m happy to note that Autocade has had a few high-traffic days again, the first time the daily rate has exceeded 30,000 page views since we put the site behind Cloudflare. After the site was reinstalled in 2022 and the counter reset, Autocade’s Mediawiki totals only update once a day.   April 18: 8,633,966 total […]

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