Well, folks, here’s someone who’s done the maths. The stats in the last post suggested as much but the sample was so small. Maurice de Kunder at WorldWideWebSize.com has a definitive graph: His methodology is explained at his site. I’d say late May or early June was when I noticed Duck Duck Go […]
Month: July 2022
More signs of Bing’s tiny index
Because I have OCD, one more round of stats. It’s not just us: Bing seems to have a reduced index for everyone. Here are a handful of sites that I fed in at random for site: searches. The only site where it beats Mojeek in indexed pages is, you guessed it, Microsoft’s. I guess since […]
Putting the search engines through their paces
One more, and I might give the subject a rest. Here I test the search engines for the term Lucire. This paints quite a different picture. Lucire is an established site, dating from 1997, indexed by all major search engines from the start. The word did not exist online till the site began. It does […]
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Not alone in discovering Bing is broken
MIA again on Bing: Lucire’s home page. The alt tags are not missing, with perhaps some exceptions for small logos. And not having an H1 tag is not fatal to other pages of ours that have been indexed. It remains bizarre. After Holly Jahangiri’s very useful feedback to my previous post, I thought I’d […]
A new video for the home page
Earlier today, Amanda and I had a wonderful time at Te Papa to celebrate the Chinese Languages in Aotearoa programme. My contribution was appearing in a video, that was on this blog last October. It dawned on me that despite being on YouTube, this really needs to be on the home page of this website, […]
Bing is definitely very broken, and it’s hurting Duck Duck Go
The last few days have been about ‘How awesome is Mojeek?’ and ‘How shit is Bing?’ I’m finding great search results from Mojeek, and as a site search for Lucire, it’s absolutely brilliant. Blows Duck Duck Go (Bing with privacy) away, even back when DDG had a reasonably comprehensive index of our pages (before the […]
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Rand Fishkin’s ‘Something is Rotten in Online Advertising’
I’ve been meaning to link Rand Fishkin’s ‘Something is Rotten in Online Advertising’ for some time, so here it is. He writes, in his second and third paragraphs (links in original): Where to even begin… Should we start with the upcoming loss of third-party cookies? The bizarre Google & Facebook duopoly teamup against anti-trust action? The rise […]
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Half an hour is a long time in politics
Hat tip to Johnnie Moore for this one, on Twitter earlier today. Half an hour is a long time in politics pic.twitter.com/AAIgPFhdw8 — The Secret Barrister (@BarristerSecret) July 20, 2022 You may also like A tribute to Boris Johnson What’s all this Johnny Foreigner type? I’m still doing election campaign posters, just not what you […]
Forget Duck Duck Go, Bing, and Google—I’m trying Mojeek
It was disappointing to note that after switching to HTTPS, and signing on to Bing Webmaster Tools, the search engine results for those sites of ours that made the change are still severely compromised. I’ve written about searches for my own name earlier, where my personal and company sites lost their first and second positions […]
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If corporate America says it, it’s probably untrue
Le dernier. I see the Le Snak range has now left us, after its US owner PepsiCo cited a lack of demand. I call bullshit, since during 2021 it was becoming increasingly difficult to find them on the shelves. Throttling distribution is not the same as a lack of demand, something you see time […]
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