A positive report from one blind reader

Feeling positive about this feedback from a blind Mastodon user, Robert Kingett, when he checked out Lucire and Autocade online. I know lots of internal pages need proper alt text, but his cursory report is very good, and encourages us to do better.
Actually both websites are far better than what I checked out! I obviously didn't do a full audit but I didn't see anything horrific about them! I'm sure if I dug, I could find some things but as of right now they are very well designed!

I generally hear positive things about the use of alt text on Mastodon to aid blind users, and I’ve learned more about what to put in them. If you can describe the content, then it allows them to participate in your article more. Give the image more life than what is in the caption.

If it weren’t for blind users themselves advocating for this, and teaching people what helps them, I’d wouldn’t have been able to understand as well as I do. So here’s to doing better and being more descriptive.

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