7 thoughts on “Eudora users, welcome Aurora: finally, a modern, secure, Unicode-friendly successor

  1. Thanks for sharing, Jack.

    It’d be great to see a screenshot that displays a message body that has unicode in it, rather than just the Who and Subject columns in a mailbox.

    Could you please share such a screenshot?

    Thank you!

  2. Unfortunately, I noted that ’emails still display incorrectly in the preview pane and email window’, so it is not perfect yet, but I believe they are working on it. But I am using Aurora now as my daily driver as I’ll take any incremental improvement, and I am impressed by how they are taking on user feedback.

  3. You’re most welcome! I’ve since left the Microsoft viewer on. I still remember when the viewer made things quite horrid (being based around whatever Internet Explorer was on your computer) but the current one is more tolerable.

  4. I contributed to the project and received email on Aurora and have downloaded all the files. But Alpha_28e.zip contains no install executable so I am not sure how to get Aurora installed over my existing (backed up) Eudora files. I cannot find any installation guidelines. Do you know if they exist? I’d like to upgrade but not at the risk of screwing up existing Eudora. Thanks.

  5. Hi Scratchbaker, here’s how I did it, to the best of my recollection. First, don’t delete Eudora. For now, while Aurora is in alpha, your existing Eudora installation is a prerequisite for Aurora’s function.

    Secondly, create a folder at, say, C:\Program Files\Aurora. Place the uncompressed contents of your ZIP file into there.

    Thirdly, find Aurora.exe and create a desktop shortcut of that. You should be able to open Aurora and if you have your Eudora mailboxes in the standard places, Aurora should see them and you can instantly use the program.

    The beauty of this set-up is that you can always go back to Eudora, though since installing Aurora I’ve only done it once. Aurora is now my daily driver (and as a result I’ll contribute more!).

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