5 thoughts on “Eudora users, welcome Aurora: finally, a modern, secure, Unicode-friendly successor

  1. Thanks for sharing, Jack.

    It’d be great to see a screenshot that displays a message body that has unicode in it, rather than just the Who and Subject columns in a mailbox.

    Could you please share such a screenshot?

    Thank you!

  2. Unfortunately, I noted that ’emails still display incorrectly in the preview pane and email window’, so it is not perfect yet, but I believe they are working on it. But I am using Aurora now as my daily driver as I’ll take any incremental improvement, and I am impressed by how they are taking on user feedback.

  3. You’re most welcome! I’ve since left the Microsoft viewer on. I still remember when the viewer made things quite horrid (being based around whatever Internet Explorer was on your computer) but the current one is more tolerable.

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