You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “Eudora users, welcome Aurora: finally, a modern, secure, Unicode-friendly successor”.
You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “Eudora users, welcome Aurora: finally, a modern, secure, Unicode-friendly successor”.
Thanks for sharing, Jack.
It’d be great to see a screenshot that displays a message body that has unicode in it, rather than just the Who and Subject columns in a mailbox.
Could you please share such a screenshot?
Thank you!
Unfortunately, I noted that ’emails still display incorrectly in the preview pane and email window’, so it is not perfect yet, but I believe they are working on it. But I am using Aurora now as my daily driver as I’ll take any incremental improvement, and I am impressed by how they are taking on user feedback.
E. W., if you are following the comments on this post, I have added the screenshots for you.
Thanks, Jack! That’s helpful.
You’re most welcome! I’ve since left the Microsoft viewer on. I still remember when the viewer made things quite horrid (being based around whatever Internet Explorer was on your computer) but the current one is more tolerable.
I contributed to the project and received email on Aurora and have downloaded all the files. But contains no install executable so I am not sure how to get Aurora installed over my existing (backed up) Eudora files. I cannot find any installation guidelines. Do you know if they exist? I’d like to upgrade but not at the risk of screwing up existing Eudora. Thanks.
Hi Scratchbaker, here’s how I did it, to the best of my recollection. First, don’t delete Eudora. For now, while Aurora is in alpha, your existing Eudora installation is a prerequisite for Aurora’s function.
Secondly, create a folder at, say, C:\Program Files\Aurora. Place the uncompressed contents of your ZIP file into there.
Thirdly, find Aurora.exe and create a desktop shortcut of that. You should be able to open Aurora and if you have your Eudora mailboxes in the standard places, Aurora should see them and you can instantly use the program.
The beauty of this set-up is that you can always go back to Eudora, though since installing Aurora I’ve only done it once. Aurora is now my daily driver (and as a result I’ll contribute more!).
Hi all. I became a donor to the Aurora project but it’s been several weeks and I still haven’t heard a reply about the software download. Of course, Indigogo was fast to send their website info but there’s been no messaging recently about the Aurora status. Anybody have any updates? How do I get my copy of the Alpha version to test out?
– Steve
[email protected]
Steve, from what I recall, I got a link after I donated. Do you have any contact information? I can write to Nick, who sent me my on-boarding email with the download link, and ask he gets in touch with you.
Hi, this is Nick Werner-Matavka, president of Team HERMES (the company that makes Aurora, or as we call it now, Eudoramail).
We use an automatic system that delivers license keys and links to the software in ~monthly batches; it sends from my personal mailbox, so replies to it are read by me or at least my secretary, but it would take an inordinate amount of work to send out links and licence keys individually to every contributor (and demand will only increase, given that we have an actual product that we are advertising).
This means that sometimes there is a lead time of up to a month between purchase and receipt of the product. While we regret the inconvenience this may cause, such are the business realities; we may eventually transition to a toolchain without this problem, it’s good enough right now, and that is the point of the system.
That said, customers *will* receive their purchased product, without fail; they *will* receive lifetime upgrades, without fail; and they *will* receive dedicated, one-on-one support via Signal instant messenger, without fail.
Thank you, Nick, I really appreciate your taking the time to add your comment. As I have Steve’s email address off-site, I’ll advise him that you’ve replied.
When will it run on Mac Silicon?
Hi Ulf, as far as I know, they are working on it, but it is proving far more complex than updating the Windows one.
Many thanks Jack! Good to hear, there will be many who would love to use it.
My pleasure! I also found this, which might give you more insight about Hermes’ plans for the Mac version:
Hi Jack, I was looking forward to getting my license and keys to the new Eudora email program in the past few weeks but I still haven’t gotten anything in my inbox. I appreciate your sending the info to Nick and his reply on this blog back earlier this month and I’m wondering if perhaps you could help facilitate this process since I don’t seem to have any direct way to contacting Nick.
– Steve
Hi Steve, let me reply to you on email privately and see what can be done.
I am starting to have my doubts about this….
As Eudora v7 user of decades, I was thrilled when I read your post. I donated immediately.
But the link I received when I donated took me back to the donations page…..
I tried sending messages to Nicholas Werner-Matavka, but received no response.
If this is legit, please tell me how I can download the software?
Perhaps I misunderstood how this works… Or have I been scammed?
Sorry, Jack!
I just saw the post of N. Edward Werner-Matavka at 08.08.2024 at 08.32 regarding when the software and related keys will be released to subscribers.
This explains what is happening. I just wish they had made this clear before I donated. I would still have donated, in hopes of being able to use Eudoramail on into the future, but it would have saved me a lot of hassle trying to figure out where and how to download the software.
I apologize for my confusion…
PS: I am assuming that I will eventually receive not only a registration key but also a link to where the program can be downloaded, right? I should be asking Mr. Werner-Matavka this, but he has not responded to the messages I have sent….
will the new EudoraMail support Exchange accounts?
Robert X.: I have seen a couple of mass emails from Nick over the last week, so I assume you have received one, with download information?
Bob R.: sorry, I’ve never used Exchange so I can’t answer this.
They are thieves. I made the payment and did not receive any link to download the software. Never again!
Your experience is completely unlike mine, Francesco. See comment 10 above before accusing them of theft.
Yes I read. However, I don’t find these expectations fair. In any case, I will wait for their response. I can’t do anything else.
Francesco, did you not receive a message? It went out a few days ago. If you still haven’t, just tell me what name you effected the Indiegogo purchase under and I will make absolutely sure that you get it.
These are the names that purchased Eudoramail (formerly Aurora) within the last month: Kurt Glatte, Seth Livingston, Tony Olivero, Harry Binswanger, Roderic Seow, Tim Parsons, Jean Welter, Robert Xander, and Samir Hirani.
Robert, I expect you will have also received the message, customised, with your serial code and download link. I truly can do no more than this except to apologise for the inconvenience caused and make a note that purchases are being batched to a lead time of 30 days or fewer.