The Downfall of ‘Wellywood’ 11.03.2010/04.27 Necessity is the mother of all invention. I never thought some of the Der Untergang (Downfall) parodies could be topped, but I think this just happened. You may also like Live from Level 3 The rise of the city brand Steve Guttenberg shows us how a Kiwi accent is done Cities are, or at least should be, driving globalization Chatting to TV, radio and internet journalists for the mayoral campaign Explaining to Lucire readers about my political ads Why I ran Getting Wellington out of debt—by growing the right businesses
Yep, that’s the sad part. Even sadder is the waste of ratepayers’ money on this: we are definitely footing part of the bill.
IT would be a lot funnier if it were not true…I can assure you… is.
Yep, that’s the sad part. Even sadder is the waste of ratepayers’ money on this: we are definitely footing part of the bill.