The second of three verses of the Scots College school song appears to be missing from the web. I posted them once on Facebook, back when people used Facebook, so of course it doesn’t appear in Google.
We sang it, but I understand that the generation before, and the one after, didn’t sing it. We seem to have been the anomaly.
In the interests of having them somewhere searchable on the web, and as the Secretary of Scots Collegians:
We’ll keep our tryst from day to day
And pledge our honour bright,
To follow truth’s unerring way
And march into the light.
Let God and right and the watchword be,
Let Scots have honoured name,
For joy be ours to know that we
Were heroes of its fame.
Corrections are welcome; these are to the best of my recollection.
The move to co-education at Scots several years ago means the song has had to change with the times, though I imagine that enough of us remember the lyrics to the other verses as they once were, and the old choruses, for me not to need to record them.