Thank you, Alexia Russell and Radio New Zealand, for giving voice to our concerns about New Zealand Chinese Language Week. You can listen to the episode of The Detail here.
As they tagged Jo (chair of the NZCLW Trust), I decided I would get in touch via Twitter reply. This also addresses one of the points she makes in her side of the story.
Thank you. Always thought this very simple. Jo, imagine a Christian Week which only had the official religion of the Crown, Anglican, but Catholics (who are barred from being head of state) could just submit their stories to the website. Iʼd fight in your corner every time.
—Jack Yan 甄爵恩 (@jackyan) September 29, 2022
I realize the Reformation was way further back than 1949 but you never know. One hopes that when you explain something in the receiver’s terms, they might get you more.
Massive thanks to everyone who gave me some great talking points for this interview—all I did was give them voice.