Facebook’s profile change benefits Digg

Earlier today, while sorting out revisions to a piece I’m submitting to the Journal of Brand Management, I discovered that the new Facebook profile layout no longer has my collection of links.
   Once upon a time, you could save your links to Facebook and they’d all be there, in a list, shown just below your most recent notes.
   If you want to dig up an old link today, you have one choice: go through all your old Facebook posts. That meant going through a lot of stuff—in my case, it took around half an hour’s reading to get back to mid-November, looking for a link I thought I saved around then.
   After all that, I came up empty.
   This, in my book, is the biggest gift to Digg and Delicious ever since Facebook has been around. Pity, then, that Yahoo! is killing Delicious, leaving Digg as the principal bookmarking service on the internet.
   With Digg, I can save and search through my favourite links—never mind that Digg has ceased to work with Friendfeed, which used to share my Diggs with my Facebook friends. If I really need my Facebook friends’ nods, I’ll post the link twice. Often, I’m linking for my own purposes, of articles that I find interesting and that I want to go back to.
   It was predicted that because people can now link-share on Facebook, Digg would no longer serve a purpose. After today’s experience, I beg to differ. Delicious might disappear soon (and that is a shame, because I used it for my branding bookmarks), but if Facebook continues to take useful features away, these other sites might come back into their own again. In November, we stopped sharing the Lucire RSS feed on its Facebook fan page. It might only be two changes, but 2011 could be the year of un-Facebooking.

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