Some very interesting errors on the internet today.
Facebook blocked an innocent link about the price of electricity in Scotland, from The Scotsman, because it was deemed ‘abusive or spammy’. Maybe Scottish accents don’t go down well in California. Hang on, didn’t they import Craig Ferguson?
I am told by Colvin Inglis on my wall that it isn’t the first time Facebook has blocked The Scotsman. He blames the English. Maybe they’re still sore about the genealogical accounting error that James VI a.k.a. James I caused.
A little later today, I wasn’t allowed to Tweet to my friend Kai in German but all my other Tweets in English went through. I had to conclude that German does not go down well in California. Hang on, didn’t their former governor speak the language?
You can’t expect me to let Google off the hook, of course, even when being humorous.
Here’s what clicking on a Google advertiser on the Lucire website netted me:
‘That’s all we know,’ proclaims Google.
Well, you’d better know more, because that’s one of your customers you’re not servicing correctly.
The Google Dashboard continues to be faulty and despite not being on Buzz or Gmail, I continue getting followers.
As explained numerous times before, Google says that if you don’t fill out your profile, you won’t be on Buzz. When the big privacy breaches occurred, I deleted all my personal info from Google, leaving only my name (the bare minimum).
It’s not the first time (that was in February 2010), and, as with the last few times, the follower is totally unknown to me.
You’ll notice I underlined the entry under Blogger. I haven’t had a Blogger blog since I deleted everything off the service in early 2010. It claims I have one, but, checking into Blogger (and yes, this is what it looks like on my computer), I am told I have none.
I know, bugs happen all the time. Even on Lucire, which strangely became inaccessible for some moments last night (thank goodness for Cloudflare, which served cached versions). I’m going to bite my tongue on Google today since I’ve already discussed the above errors (and far worse privacy breaches) in previous posts.
I’ll simply reflect on the humorous, non-scientific observation that if you are Scottish or German, Facebook and Twitter have it in for you today.
Bit like how being Geordie gets you fired from the Murdoch Press.
Oh yes, remembered the previous article I’d seen from The Scotsman that is blocked from Facebook. Titled “Facebook can stress you out”. Haha, way to prove it.
Just tried to post it again now, and it is still blocked. Idiots.
Facebook makes weird calls. Some years ago, it automatically blocked some videos I uploaded, even though it received no complaints from the copyright owner (who in fact gave me written permission). And yet it seems fine letting some dodgy groups start …