Capitalism falls down when it’s rigged

Martin Wolf, writing in the Financial Times, touches on a few points that resonate with my readings over the years.    He believes capitalism, as a system, is not a bad one, but it is bad when it is ‘rigged’; and that Aristotle was indeed right (as history has since proved) that a sizeable middle […]

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Tesla or SpaceX doesn’t like you? They’ll say you’re an active shooter

What does Tesla do to whistleblowers?    They tell the cops you’re an active shooter.    Apparently, this case about a gentleman called Martin Tripp emerged in 2018 but only today were the police documents released, and are worth reading.   Above: Two of the pages from the Storey County Sheriff’s Office over the false […]

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Tumblr is now where Verizon’s corporate agenda rule

How quickly an opinion can change.    I have been on Tumblr for 12 years, signing up in 2007, with my first post in January 2008.    For most of that time I have sung its praises, saying it was one of the good guys in amongst all the Big Tech platforms (Google, Facebook) that […]

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EU copyright: as far as we’re concerned, link away

European Union—, Public Domain; link I’m reading more about this EU copyright directive that was voted in last month.    Without doing a full analysis, I can say that we won’t go after anyone who links to our publications.    We presently don’t care if you use a brief snippet of our content and link […]

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In the wake of terrorism in your own country

Above: Flowers at the Islamic Centre in Kilbirnie, Wellington on Monday. On 9-11, I wrote an editorial in Lucire immediately. It was clear to me what I needed to write, and the editorial got quite a few readers at the time.    Today is March 20, five days after a terrorist attack on our country, […]

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More lies: Instagram’s separate (and now possibly secret) set of ad preferences

This post was originally going to be about Facebook lying. It still is, just not in the way originally conceived.    Those who follow this blog know that, on Instagram, I get alcohol advertising. Alcohol is one of the categories you can restrict on Facebook. Instagram claims that it relies on your Facebook ad preferences […]

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