Testing occidental search engines on site: again: Mojeek, Bing more normal

It was about time I had a look at the occidental search engines again, using a site:jackyan.com search to see how they fared. The previous test for this site was in May 2023. I knew Google was still terrible, and I knew Bing had improved since the days of having 10 results for the domain. […]

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Two Mastodon polls: on 50 shades of Grade, and the best non-Bond Roger Moore film

Asking the tough questions on Mastodon. Very tiny samples, and I was limited to four possible answers—but now you know.       Meanwhile, I see Linkedin has not been very good at removing misinformation about me. Not as bad as Quora, but still down there. The latest post says ‘jackyan’ is a metaphor for […]

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A decade after Google, Meta dishes out fake cybersecurity warnings

There’s nothing original with Big Tech   It shouldn’t matter what Little Green Footballs’ politics are, as long as its blogger, Charles Foster Johnson, isn’t advocating anything hateful, and from what I can see of his current stance, he doesn’t. However, he’s found his blog links are being cancelled on Facebook. Links to posts going […]

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The crunch time media face is nothing new

  Talking Points Memo showed the amounts programmatic advertising brought in to them over the last eight years. (The above graphic is from their card preview on Mastodon.) I’ve never been convinced of programmatic since no one in the ad business could ever explain it in plain language. I say just figure out what’s on […]

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Additional endorsements for the Autocade Yearbook 2024

To get one endorsement from the brilliant and unequalled Giles Chapman is wonderful. To get two is amazing.   Been so enjoying Jack Yan’s first Autocade Yearbook 2024, an annual in the grand style, with lots of thoughtful deep-reads about new and classic cars. Fascinating for being a tangible print book with digital roots. Check […]

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A full day on Autocade with Cloudflare switched on

  It appears that Cloudflare hasn’t affected Mediawiki’s stats (at least not hugely, from what I can tell). Overnight we had about 19,000 views, according to Mediawiki. Cloudflare, meanwhile, reports 5,420 visitors in that same time—three to four pages per visitor sounds acceptable. I realize Cloudflare might count search engine bots, too. I’ll have things […]

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Read all about the SEO algorithm that I developed for Google

P.P.PS., May 31, 2024: Since this post keeps getting linked by people posting disinformation, and seemingly by those using LLMs and are illiterate themselves, let me make things very clear to those who can read: there is no such thing as a Jackyan algorithm. The whole point of the title was to take the mickey […]

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Tech musings from a non-tech: search engines and the nightmare of AWS

A great quote from Penn Jillette in Cracked: Einstein comes up with this idea E = mc² — a profound, powerful, mind-blowing idea — and he has to work forever to make people understand that and to share that reality. Woodward and Bernstein are pretty sure the president of the United States committed crimes, and […]

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Who leads when the house of cards falls?

Scott Burchill makes a good analysis in Pearls and Irritations on how the US is ‘a rogue state’ and becoming a pariah (alongside Israel) over recent events in Gaza, and how its influence is waning. It’s hard to argue with a lot of his points; certainly here, with the exception of some politicians who either […]

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First customer copy off the press

They’re out there in the wild now. Stewart Sims was our first Autocade Yearbook customer and he’s just posted photos of his copy on Mastodon. Thank you, Stewart!     PS.: Flâneur over at that other site had also posted his copy. Thank you!   You may also like Introducing Autocade in print BMW iX […]

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