More Buzz, a small buzz, and my real and virtual lives meet

My friend Pete informs me of his Google Buzz experience, and it’s not positive, either.    He is no stranger to technology and is more expert than I am on these matters. He had turned off Buzz, and was surprised to find that it was still taking his information and publishing it to his followers. […]

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Vox cars’ group crosses 100

Even though I am no longer blogging on Vox, I have some good news there: the cars’ group that I founded got its 100th member today.    It’s actually the third time we’ve crossed 100, but on those previous occasions, it was sploggers that got us over that number. And each time I’ve had to […]

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It’s a bot if it does 3,000 posts a month

Is it any wonder Vox’s resources are taxed? Here’s a chap that does 3,265 posts in a month—all off-site spam. (I won’t give them the privilege of a link—no point raising their search engine rankings.)    I vote that Vox has some form of alarm at HQ for people who blog too often. Twitter and […]

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