2 thoughts on “Far more important news

  1. I couldn’t be bothered to count them, personally, but will this help to settle the argument? Seems to have photographic evidence:


    Honestly, I’m American and couldn’t have named them all.

    HM Queen Elizabeth II represents, to me, a long life of public service, dignity, resolute calm, and devotion to duty. I wish that she had turned over the reins to King Charles III and spent her later years – since Prince Phillip’s death, at least – enjoying her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. But of course that would not be in keeping with all she stood for, would it?

    The monarchy as a political or social institution really isn’t mine to comment on; Parliament has all the power, anyway. But as a fellow human being, I respected HER. I’d like to see her descendants do their best to honor her by trying to live up to the example she set.

  2. I can easily name them. They had Herbert Hoover and not LBJ! Hoover was the president at the time of the Depression (and the article notes he was not the president at the time of their meeting). I know the Queen never met LBJ. The tally is still 14, so all those media talking heads touting 12 or 15 are wrong.

    My father’s position was the same as yours: the Queen should have abdicated in favour of Charles earlier. (He said this years before HM Queen Beatrix did this in the Netherlands.) But she made that commitment and wanted to keep on going.

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