I’ve served with Business Mentors New Zealand for 17 years. It might be time to depart, after my present client.
This has always been a voluntary role and bless all those who have given their time, and continue to give their time, to business people around the country.
I have made two real friends over the 17 years and even attended the wedding of one of them.
I joined because I had been through ups and downs in my businesses, and know what the downs are like. You can feel like you’re drowning. I wanted to spare someone that feeling and let them know they were supported.
As it turned out, only one found themselves in those dire straits with toxic employees, while the rest had concerns about marketing and branding.
I was inspired by one mentor I had who was sharing his knowledge while living with MS.
I’ve enjoyed the majority of the sessions I’ve had. But lately it’s tested my time, and I need to bring it among my business activities, so I’m not thinking of it separately.
I’m limiting my voluntary mentoring to the Alumni as Mentors programme at Victoria University of Wellington, my Alma Mater. It does mean that businesses and business people who need my advice will have to engage me professionally, either through this website or through JY&A Consulting, which is more brand- and identity-based.
Now with over 35 years’ experience under my belt, I’ve seen a lot, and enough to give advice beyond branding and marketing—as I had done at Business Mentors New Zealand for 17 years.
Clients are welcome from all corners of the world, and I may set up a digital diary here so you can book me if you need. Till then, please send me a message if you need my help.
You can read about my background on the home page of this site. I usually help those who need ideas for branding, marketing, and strategic direction, but I also am a sounding board for entrepreneurs and fellow self-employed people who don’t want to face things alone.
I’ve dealt with all manner of businesses, large and small, local and international.
Too many of our institutions don’t support business people well enough. I’ve discovered the same when I’ve sought them out. It’s why you sometimes need someone like me.
Reach out if you need friendly advice and support. I’m looking forward to working with you.
Header photo by Brady Dyer