Reach out if you need a business mentor

I’ve served with Business Mentors New Zealand for 17 years. It might be time to depart, after my present client. This has always been a voluntary role and bless all those who have given their time, and continue to give their time, to business people around the country. I have made two real friends over […]

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Is the death of expertise tied to the Anglosphere?

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Boris Johnson: usually a talented delivery, but with conflicting substance.   I spotted The Death of Expertise at Unity Books, but I wonder if the subject is as simple as the review of the book suggests.    There’s a lot out there about anti-intellectualism, and we know it’s not an exclusively […]

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How a car accident makes you grateful

The trouble with all the yellow-peril reporting that’s far more prevalent than it should be in Aotearoa is when something happens to you that may get people thinking about a stereotype.    Back in March, of course, we had one writer justifying racism toward (east) Asian tourist drivers in the Fairfax Press, when the facts […]

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A minor McAfee bug report continues to bug, while (breaking news) Google acts professionally

I have to hand it to McAfee for their courtesy and even their tenacity, but phone calls at weekends (and then failing to call at rescheduled times) are getting ridiculous.    When I file a bug report, I like an acknowledgement that things are being worked on, and that’s great.    But considering I’ve spent […]

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Giving a toss about web hosting: Americans 2, Brits 0

© Generally, I turn a blind eye to people who use thumbnails of our work or take an excerpt from an article and link the rest to us. Pity, then, that so many of these sites are splogs, but at least they stop short of outright piracy.    It’s when someone takes an entire article, […]

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Yay for ‘None of the above’!

You have to love the thinking behind the local newspaper in Wellington when it comes to the mayoral election. We have five people shown here in their poll, one of whom (Councillor Foster) hasn’t declared his candidacy.    Spot anyone who’s missing?    I’m very glad to say ‘None of the above’ is leading at […]

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