More Buzz, a small buzz, and my real and virtual lives meet

My friend Pete informs me of his Google Buzz experience, and it’s not positive, either.    He is no stranger to technology and is more expert than I am on these matters. He had turned off Buzz, and was surprised to find that it was still taking his information and publishing it to his followers. […]

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What might happen to the pre-2010 posts on this blog

Google will cease to support FTP publishing on Blogger on May 1, extending the previous deadline of March 26 by a few weeks. As this blog’s posts between 2006 and 2009 were done on Blogger, it means that you will not be able to comment on them after a certain date.    It probably doesn’t […]

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I don’t have Gmail. So how did I get a Buzz account again?

Can someone please explain to me how I have a Google Buzz account?    Yes, I know, all those people complaining about Google Buzz found that their Gmail contacts where, all of a sudden, added to the service.    And Google, this week, apologized for messing up.    Well, Google, please explain my scenario, because […]

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A way to delete your Google Wave account?

For those trying to leave Google Wave—and who have had no satisfaction whatsoever from the Google forums (what a surprise)—there might be one way.    There are quite a few reasons people want to leave Wave. One netizen had this concern: ‘It appears I have been linked to former associates who I have kept in […]

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More Google privacy breaches in Reader?

Tonight, I removed every single blog I followed—including my own—from Blogger. My de-Googling continues. I’ve also taken myself off as an author on some Blogger blogs as of tonight, as an intermediate step of ending my association with Blogger altogether.    I had hoped that deleting my Blogger reading list would get me off the […]

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Google might have signed you up to stuff you never asked for

I was getting annoyed at Google for the services it counts as part of my ‘products’, but that was minor compared with what Harriet Jacobs has gone through with Google’s new Buzz service—which appeared to have put her personal safety in jeopardy (hat tip to Simon Green).    From what I can tell, Buzz shares, […]

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Blogger to end FTP publishing; shift to Wordpress well timed

Blogger has announced that it will cease supporting its FTP publishing service, which means the shifting of this blog to Wordpress was well timed. It seems I would have had to shift in any case—the fact that this happened just over a month ago was fortunate.    I received an email about this for the […]

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Google’s rethink on Red China: you can’t stop the Chinese people

If I were Google, would I have entered Red China with the censored version of, hiding things from the Chinese people for the sake of money? In February 2006, I blogged about this very issue and concluded, ‘No.’    Obeying the law is one thing. Providing the people with slanted views to prop up […]

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And it’s back again

When the Social Media Consortium disappeared again, we panicked and alerted Rick Klau at Google. Once again, Rick was as good as his word and found out there had been an accidental deletion.    What impresses me about him—as if I wasn’t already impressed—is his quick action. He must have other matters to deal with, […]

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That was quick: Social Media Consortium disappears again

Well, readers, the Social Media Consortium blog (the one that came back a few days ago) has disappeared again.    Rick Klau, please help … (An email has been written to Mr Klau. Hopefully, he’s at work this weekend or is checking his messages.) PS.: Less than five minutes later, Rick replied, and is looking […]

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