At the end of the last century, the National Government announced its Bright Future programme. Their research had identified that one thing holding back our national competitiveness was our devotion to the team rather than the individual, when in fact there have been many times New Zealand individuals have made immeasurable contributions and had not […]
Tag: equality
Another program rendered incompatible with Windows 10’s fall Creators update
It’s fast becoming apparent that Windows 10’s fall Creators update is a lemon, just like the original Windows 10. As those of you who have followed my posts know, my PC began BSODing multiple times daily, on average. There were brief interludes (it went for three days without a BSOD once, and yesterday it […]
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Developer creates a tool to expose bigoted, fake Twitter accounts; Twitter bans it
In theory, one of the positive things about social media should be the fact that a company has as much chance of succeeding as an individual. Another is that it shouldn’t matter who you are, you have the same opportunity to get your word out. No one should get special treatment. But, on Twitter, […]
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Facebook resets email preferences, after it removes gay photo as ‘abusive’
Not only does Google Ads Preferences Manager reset on a regular basis and bugger what your preferences are, Facebook has today reset (at least for myself and one other friend) email settings. ‘Set emails to spam.’ Why Facebook does this regularly, I have no idea—but this is relatively minor compared to their removal of […]
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