Facebook stops me from tagging myself in my own photographs—here’s a possible solution

I seem to be putting the major news events on my Facebook as public posts these days, such as the passing of Kim Jong Il or the Murdoch Press phone-tapping scandal. Since Facebook introduced public sharing in August, I’m having a rethink about what each outlet means. What is this blog for? What is my […]

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Google Plus: the penny drops; Facebook announces it’s taking away a feature it took away two months ago

Looks like people are now being more fair and balanced about Google Plus, instead of drinking the Google Kool-Aid as they did at the site’s launch.    Farhad Manjoo, in Slate, writes: Even Google’s own executives seem to have gotten bored by the site. After several public posts in the summer, co-founders Larry Page and […]

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It’s the 1st of the month, so Facebook Timeline stops updating

I know I’m not alone on this, as I have heard from two other Facebook friends, but Facebook has trouble getting to a new month with Timeline.    Ever since my Facebook went to November 1, Timeline stopped updating. What rests there is the last post of October 31.    Earlier today, I could still […]

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How I’m consuming social media: the October 2011 edition

I realize I’ve blogged less in general this year. Once upon a time, when I blogged less here, I was over at Vox (when it worked), writing personal, cathartic posts, sometimes directed at a limited audience. But now, and I never thought I would say this: Facebook seems to be where I’m directing some of […]

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Speaking on typography and social media, with Retake the Net in between

Sometimes, a brand-new speech will give you some jitters, because the material’s unrehearsed. But I have to say I had a lot of fun today at Creative Camp at Natcoll in Wellington, organized by Kai König, Diane Sieger and their team, talking about typography and how we should be aware of it today. It was […]

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Sponsorship specials going at MTA conference and expo

The Motor Trade Association, whose conference and expo are on in Rotorua this November, has some last-minute sponsorship deals going. I’ll be heading up to speak on social media, and if anyone would like to reach this industry and the sizable numbers that are going to be there this year, events’ manager Anna McGeorge has […]

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The pre-blocked Google Plus Circle

I might be Google-sceptic, but I’m not so daft as to risk clients and the Medinge Group, both groups having various things in my Google account, opened either in the days when Google was not being evil (many, many years ago now) or before Google acquired that company. So, I made a public profile, to […]

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What this Google-sceptic thought of Plus

A friend wanted an invitation to Google Plus, and since I received mine a few days ago when someone shared a story with me, I thought it might work if I shared a story with her.    So, for half an hour today, I joined, with the view of sending her the invitation, and leaving […]

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Tumblr says: death to Pokémon haters

There was an interesting graphic on Tumblr today: which is an opinion. I don’t see anything wrong with it. I do not care for Pokémon, but it’s not as though it’s a reality TV show with whining contestants, the Wellywood sign, or Arial. Still, it’s not the end of the world.    The abuse that […]

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The land beyond Facebook

Stowe Boyd wrote (and I re-Tumbled) the big drop in US and Canadian Facebook traffic this week: Most prominently, the United States lost nearly 6 million users, falling from 155.2 million at the start of May to 149.4 million at the end of it. This is the first time the country has lost users in […]

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