A new blogroll (Chrome should be happy)

After Andrew relayed to me that Google Analytics code was being downloaded with Blogrolling, that—and not the fact that Chrome users were blocked from seeing this blog due to a false malware warning (sorry)—motivated me to shift my blogroll on to Wordpress.    He was right: it was ironic that I could have it in […]

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How well we engaged

This was a nice souvenir of the campaign: Brenda Wallace’s summary on how well we engaged on Twitter. I hate to think where I would have been without social media.    Although it won’t make the slightest bit of difference to my placing, I would be interested to know where the special votes will finally […]

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If you are on Chrome, it won’t let you see this

Ever since I began blogging a bit more regularly here (upping it to my usual frequency?) Twitter friends have been telling me that they cannot read these entries because there is a malware warning.    What they have in common: they are all using Chrome.    I wanted to try Chrome out again (I had […]

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Explaining to Lucire readers about my political ads

[Cross-posted at Lucire] New Zealand readers will be seeing a few advertisements around this site relating to the local body election in Wellington. And perhaps, thanks to programming not always being precise, a few more readers outside New Zealand will notice them, too, although we have targeted them for this country alone. I think it’s […]

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Creative or reactive? Your choice

The Fairfax Press has been very interesting in its coverage since the beginning of my mayoral campaign. A Miramar Wharf hotel–training centre development that I pushed for missed any quotes from myself, while today’s announcement of wifi for the waterfront by the incumbent and the Fairfax Press itself again does the same.    But, you […]

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What’s possible with open government

When I go on about free wifi, it’s not just some vague election promise. Someone mentioned that I should have put the reason behind the message on my first billboard, but the reasons are too plentiful.    It’s not just about giving businesses and tourists the access they expect in a modern society. It’s also […]

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I found a new search engine (after Google signed me up to another mystery service)

I’ve a bit more reason to moan about Google of late, after a few more dodgy happenings on the site.    But before I do, some good news: I found a very good search engine. And it’s not Bing.    Ironically, one of the alternatives to Google search that I liked was Yahoo!, but even […]

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Making free wifi pay—at no cost to ratepayers

With the first billboard going up in town, I’ve been asked about whether my free wifi programme will cost ratepayers.    In a word, no. The wifi programme will be supported by selling the space on the home page.    Upkeep of such a service, and I am looking at several alternatives, is in the […]

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Kiwi entrepreneurs launch Snapr to share mobile photos

My friend Edward Talbot, and his friend and business partner Rowan Wernham, launched their Snapr (sna.pr) service today. It’s the ideal way to share geotagged photographs in the 2010s, and I expect these guys to do some great things as Snapr takes off.    Snapr was the only Kiwi (if not southern hemisphere) venture to […]

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Replacing a social network near you: real life

As news emerges that teenagers have spent less time on Facebook, and there are more profiles getting closed on the social network, Sony has released its newest trailer for The Social Network. After 9-11, it’s time to tell the “other” story of the ’noughties. And if Facebook is the topic of a Hollywood film, then […]

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