Being transparent: you might as well know what you’re going to click on

This may be wise, or it may not be. I thought netizens would want to know if a page was ancient, and since Google keeps putting really old stuff that hasn’t been linked for nearly 20 years into the top 10 for a search, I may as well let readers know what they’re going […]

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Is Microsoft trying to stem its losses from Bing?

If Appledystopia is right in its 2020 article, Microsoft loses US$1·5 milliard per annum on Bing. So maybe that explains why it’s worsened so much. Microsoft might well be finding ways to cut its losses, and servers cost money. Pity that none of the Bing clones are saying anything, not even Duck Duck Go’s usually […]

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The emperor has no clothes, so Microsoft does what little it can do

When you’ve been saying the emperor has no clothes for the last few months—and on the emperor’s forums—I shouldn’t be surprised we are at this point now. Bing is virtually dead, and they don’t want me probing Bing Webmaster Tools (which are largely useless) about my own sites to show up even more of their […]

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This surely makes it blatantly obvious that Bing is near death

Here’s a site I’ve always liked: Techdirt. It’s incredibly influential, and reports on the technology sector. Mike Masnick’s run it for the same length of time as I’ve run Lucire (25 years, and counting). And when it comes to Bing’s index collapse—or whatever you wish to call it—it’s no more pronounced than here (well, at […]

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What saying yes to SEO “guest posts” looks like

  Here are a few screenshots from a magazine I loved, but sadly, it seems they’ve responded to those SEO emails, and grabbed the US$50 per post. I don’t blame them, since Google has destroyed the online advertising ecosystem, and they have to make ends meet somehow. I was in contact with them some years […]

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Bing actually indexes a page from 2022—Microsoft must be in shock

This is a miracle. Bing actually indexed and showed something from Lucire from 2022. Of course, since it’s incapable of remembering what it had shown in its results earlier, the story was repeated twice on subsequent pages. Since I began my tests earlier this year (and finding out yet another area that tech companies brag […]

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Testing the search engines: Bing likes antiquity; most favour HTML over PHP

Bing is spidering new pages, as long as they’re very, very old. Last week, we added a handful of Lucire pages from 1998 and 1999. An explanation is given here. And I’ve spotted at least two of those among Bing’s results when I do a search. As a couple of newer pages have also […]

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Bing hates novelty—it’s really Microsoft’s Wayback Machine

Bing is still very clearly near death, as this latest site: search shows.     It manages a grand total of 10 pages from Lucire, and as outlined before, some are pages that have not been linked to for 17 years. I purposely updated some of the pages Bing had in its limited capacity, and […]

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Mystery sitemap files in Bing

I only signed up to Bing Webmaster Tools when investigating why the company site did so poorly in Bing and Duck Duck Go—we now know it was nothing to do with us, and everything to do with a search engine basically disintegrating before our very eyes. This, too, was interesting, from a screenshot dated July […]

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Updating old pages since the experts are wrong

With all the odd results coming up in site searches—it’s not restricted to Bing—I attended to some of the older pages on our websites. Curiously, in a search, even Google has our 2005 competition page up high, namely in fifth. There is only one link from our site internally to this page. I know […]

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