I can empathize with the 500-mile email problem

Big thanks to Petra on Mastodon for this one. Don’t discount us non-techs. When we come to you, we’ve often done a lot of testing first before sounding the alarm. And often we are right. Just like I was right with Vox when I could only get a compose window on select days over three […]

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Lucire’s Instagram account is gone, for no reason

Lucire’s Instagram is toast (hopefully temporarily, but you never know), since they unilaterally allege without evidence that there was unusual activity. This is utter shite, but it’s just another day in Facebookland where actual spam is tolerated, and legitimate activity is penalized.    I’ve sent through the information they requested with a review promised in […]

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Scheduling posts on Facebook and Instagram? Forget it, it’s not worth the trouble

If someone who has never been authorized to have a role on a Facebook page can have full admin access to it, then it stands to reason that a legitimate owner of a Facebook page cannot do what she needs with it.    That’s exactly what happened to my friend Holly Jahangiri, who has a […]

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Windows Unreliability Monitor

Microsoft should rename Windows’ Reliability Monitor to Unreliability Monitor.    This isn’t too unusual for Windows 10, is it?    I’ve put Oracle Virtualbox and Cyberlink Power2Go back on, because it’s becoming more apparent that Windows 10 is incompatible with my hard drives in certain circumstances. It’s always when a drive (including a phone set […]

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Remember when you could post, comment and like on Facebook? Those were the days

Let’s see: Facebook doesn’t work on Wednesdays and Fridays. Check. Thursdays are OK though.    It’s another one of those days where the Facebook bug that began on Wednesday (though, really, it’s been going on for years—including the famous outage of 2013 where what I am experiencing happened worldwide to a large number of users) […]

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Looks like the Microsoft man was wrong about this, too

A final postscript on my IE9 blank-window bug, again solved, as so many technological matters are here, by not following the advice of a self-proclaimed “expert”.    Hayton at the McAfee forums—which seem to be populated with polite people—mentioned the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer earlier today. This checks for what updates are missing, etc.   […]

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The revenge of Arial

To think, if I actually followed the advice of the Microsoft expert, I would still have a non-functioning Internet Explorer 9 that displayed blank pages. Rule no. 1: when it comes to computing, never follow the advice of a self-righteous expert. An everyday user who found out things the hard way, sure. An expert who […]

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