Giving a toss about web hosting: Americans 2, Brits 0

© Generally, I turn a blind eye to people who use thumbnails of our work or take an excerpt from an article and link the rest to us. Pity, then, that so many of these sites are splogs, but at least they stop short of outright piracy.    It’s when someone takes an entire article, […]

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Finally, confirmation that Firefox is crashing a lot

After discovering about:crashes and Bugzilla, I’ll be finishing 2010 with some vindication that Firefox is, indeed, a buggy, crash-prone browser.    At Bugzilla, where Firefox bugs are filed, the “unmark purple” bug that has been giving me so much grief over the last few months, which has crashed Firefox up to 11 times a day […]

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New Twitter, less utility?

I might have to go on to one of those Twitter clients, when “new” Twitter is forced upon all users soon.    When it eventually began working (it didn’t initially), I liked the new Twitter’s overall look. It was only missing one feature: telling us what the last Tweet of the person was at a […]

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What others write about their Firefox crashes; Chrome is the oddity with font-face

  It has been interesting reading the comments from other disgruntled Firefox users over the ‘unmark purple’ error (nsXULControllers::cycleCollection::UnmarkPurple(nsISupports*))—now that I can trace the majority of my crashes to this.    Yesterday, Mozilla’s Crash Reports’ site crashed (rather fitting), and today, the CSS wouldn’t load, which allowed me to read what others wrote on the […]

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And now, Chrome changes fonts on some numerals

When I run a temperature or am sick, I try to find “lighter” things to do at work. Updating the information pages at the company website seemed to be the best thing: it’s not mentally taxing, but it has to be done.    And in doing so I found even more problems with Chrome.   […]

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“Liking” something on Facebook takes an awfully long time

There are things I “like” on Facebook, but as they can be run by organizations, I don’t see the need to reveal all my private information to them.    Once upon a time, it was quite easy to stick these “likes” into my limited profile friends’ category on friends. But a few months ago, Facebook […]

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Wikileaks’ brand of transparency is the enemy of the establishment

There are probably two things, chiefly, that fuel support for Julian Assange.    First, the idea that the mainstream media are not independent, but merely mouthpieces for the establishment. There’s some truth to this.    Secondly, the fact that Wikileaks is revealing, this time, things that we already knew: that governments are two-faced.    While […]

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The surprises in Firefox’s about:crashes

C’mon, Firefox! Can we get to 12 crashes per day and really make it a record?    When some friends began, helpfully, advising on these crashes, I really didn’t know what was causing them. It was only recently I found out about about:crashes so I could see what was the culprit.    The latest, according […]

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No changes to Opera’s typography in v. 11 beta

Opera 11 still has the font-changing bug that was in 10·63, as I found tonight: Underlined are the characters (from a post on this blog) that are not displaying in the same typeface as the rest of the text.    The quotation marks, all ligatures and any characters that follow a ligature before a space, […]

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Chrome’s dramas continue as it hits version 8

It looks like Chrome has updated by itself, and as with all improvements to software, more bugs have been introduced.    You can blame our programming skills, but here is how the home page of Lucire now looks (and it had looked like this on Chromium a couple of months ago, too): Below is how […]

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