Another friend asked the Windows laptop v. Macbook question on her Facebook today. You can predict what happens next. The cult came by. As with the last time a friend asked the same question. The cult always comes and proclaims the superiority of the Apple Macintosh. And it is a blinding proclamation, of […]
Tag: humanism
In education, everyone deserves a chance
I am a huge fan of Sir Ken Robinson, the educational expert. This video has been around for a few years, but it’s well worth another watch. Everyone has the potential within them—so we need ways of encouraging this for every life, rather than suppress them in favour of just the three Rs. […]
Nicholas Ind’s Meaning at Work: finding fulfilment in the early 2010s
Two of my friends have books coming out. I’ll discuss one for now, as it’s been a long long weekend. The first is my Medinge Group colleague Nicholas Ind’s Meaning at Work, which has now made it on to Amazon, and is getting wider distribution. You can get an idea of what Meaning […]
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Fighting the politics of division
Loving this excerpt from Nancy J. Adler’s ‘Leading Beautifully: the Creative Economy and Beyond’ in the Journal of Management Inquiry, vol. 20, pp. 208–22, at p. 211, which my fellow Medinge Group director Nicholas Ind referred to me: McGill University strategy professor Henry Mintzberg asked the people in his native Quebec to see the world […]