While I’ve been a LinkedIn member for many years—my LinkedIn ID has six digits, which gives you an idea of how long ago—I have to confess that I did not browse the brilliant Wellington, New Zealand group till quite recently. And free wifi is being talked up there, too, as something Wellingtonians genuinely want. […]
Tag: politics
Learned misbehaviours
Preparing for one of my Swedish speeches, I came across this, which I delivered in India in December 2008: If you ever get to read Michael Lewis’s writings about the US financial industry, you’ll learn that a lot of people within there do not know what they are doing or why they are doing it. […]
Convention holds us back, but Wellington wants to move forward
We all expected someone to go on about ‘experience’ sooner or later when it came to my mayoral campaign. Mr Bertrand Brown, I thank you for raising it in the comments at the Stuff website. And this is a genuine thanks, not one of those BS ‘with respect’ ones, as you signal that it’s time […]
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A reminder to the British Government: Hong Kong Chinese have died for you
Remember the issue I had last year with getting a new Permanent Identity Card for Hong Kong and finding that the British Government—which I have accused of apartheid over the situation surrounding British Overseas Nationals—would not do its job via the Foreign & Commonwealth Office? No, it hasn’t been solved, but I thought it […]
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Google’s rethink on Red China: you can’t stop the Chinese people
If I were Google, would I have entered Red China with the censored version of Google.cn, hiding things from the Chinese people for the sake of money? In February 2006, I blogged about this very issue and concluded, ‘No.’ Obeying the law is one thing. Providing the people with slanted views to prop up […]
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As the 2010s dawn, there’s a vacuum on the internet
Rick Klau’s action today in restoring Vincent’s Social Media Consortium blog got me putting things into perspective. We know sites like Blogger and Vox are free, but what happens when they fail? Vox, the Six Apart blogging service, had been where I had put my personal posts—as well as a bunch of private […]
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A new website and Facebook fan page for my mayoral campaign
Four years ago, I asked readers of the Beyond Branding Blog if they wanted to see me blog at my own space. The responses were all positive, and this blog was born. Earlier tonight, after being egged on by two friends, I posed the question on Twitter and Facebook: should there be a ‘Jack […]
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The 2010 mayoral election is about job creation and transparency
The Fairfax Press has been talking about how Wellingtonians are expected to bail out some loss-makers, such as the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary. And that the decision to do this has been made behind closed doors. The city’s debt is over $200 million—we were looking at very similar numbers at the time of the 2007 local […]
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