Contacting Right Now (a misnomer of a company name)

If there’s one employee I can never fault at Telstra Clear, it’s Daniel Borgshammar, who has been following up my case with my corrupted profile on the Telstra Clear support site since day one.    Unfortunately, Daniel has his hands tied. He contacts the people at Right Now, the owners of, and keeps […]

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The internet collapses further: Telstra Clear’s DNS servers stop resolving some addresses

Yet another contact Facebook-messaged me tonight to tell me that his email to me bounced. Sadly, I had to repeat the story of how emails from New Zealand now regularly bounce, that with at least one party we’ve had to resort to using the fax, and that, if he had a Hotmail or a Gmail, […]

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Storm in a teacup on tape

The ‘tea tape’ that’s been on the news for the last week or so seems like, if you’ll pardon the analogy, a storm in a teacup.    PM John Key and Epsom candidate John Banks invited the media to record them chatting, then dismissed them. One cameraman, Bradley Ambrose, left a recorder on the table. […]

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Intellectual property doesn’t deserve a black mark, but some powers-that-be do

After being interviewed about the outcome of the ‘Wellywood’ sign vote yesterday (a summary of what I told Newstalk ZB can be found on my Facebook fan page) I was reminded about how a few Wellingtonians, who supported my quest to stop the sign in 2010 and 2011, were not that thrilled that I used […]

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Today’s adventures with US dollars and New Zealand banks

Above: I’m Asian, and I want banking. National Bank gets me again. (For that story, click here.) Out of the businesses I have, one is unincorporated, and it has a US dollar bank account based in New Zealand. Over the years, it’s been at numerous banks, and was at the ANZ.    Until the ANZ […]

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Do you engage a fax spammer?

The anti-spam legislation in New Zealand was extended to faxes on October 20—although, technically, junk faxes were disallowed under the Telecommunications Act, based on my reading, and always were.    It hasn’t stopped one company from continuing to send junk faxes, and I’ve reported their three post-October 20 ones to the Department of Internal Affairs […]

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Speaking on typography and social media, with Retake the Net in between

Sometimes, a brand-new speech will give you some jitters, because the material’s unrehearsed. But I have to say I had a lot of fun today at Creative Camp at Natcoll in Wellington, organized by Kai König, Diane Sieger and their team, talking about typography and how we should be aware of it today. It was […]

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Panos Emporio: dare to be human

We weren’t responsible for the layout or photography, but our contribution here is in the tagline, ‘Dare to be human’.    In my 12-year friendship with Panos Papadopoulos, the designer behind Swedish swimwear (and now clothing) label Panos Emporio, we’ve often worked on marketing tasks. The most recent one: come up with a tagline that […]

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Innovation is the way forward for New Zealand, says Prof Sir Paul Callaghan in Chancellor’s lecture

Prof Sir Paul Callaghan’s address for the Chancellor of Victoria University, Ian McKinnon, held at a packed-out the Wellington Town Hall, was inspirational, and I felt that he confirmed a lot of my thinking for this city.    It’s great we have free wifi in certain parts of Wellington now, and in our libraries, because […]

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Be careful who sees you having sex—and sanitize your office furniture afterwards

I am still alive, but August was an extremely busy month that began with my speaking with Swinburne University and the University of Melbourne, on topics relating to social media, branding, typography, and why New South Wales people (OK, just one NSW person) are not very good at airport signage.    And while Wellingtonians were […]

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