Where the internet tends to be wrong on The Love Boat

There are a few TV shows I get anorak about. Alarm für Cobra 11 is probably the one most people have seen me post about. I probably have some claim over The Persuaders, The Professionals, The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Pointman. But there was one that was a staple for us as a family, […]

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Happy 40th birthday to The Professionals

‘Anarchy, acts of terror, crimes against the public. To combat it I’ve got special men: experts from the army, the police, from every service. These are the professionals.’        Forty years ago, ITV began airing one of the UK’s most iconic TV series.    There’s more at Dave Matthews’ The Authorised Guide to […]

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A long time ago (you know the rest)

Those great, shared cultural experiences. I’m sure some of you remember how ground-breaking it was in 1977 to see this film. Sure, we’d seen the actors in parts before, on TV, in some smaller films, but this one propelled them into greater stardom. The memorable tunes. One of the greatest cinematic antagonists. The fact we […]

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Remarks on the typography of Star Wars

Star Wars is in my feed in a big way. To get up to speed on the film series, I had to start with the memorable theme by John Williams. Thanks, Bill and Paul.    And who better to describe the plot than someone else in the science-fiction world, Doctor Who?    Seriously though, I […]

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How MG Rover mirrored the developments at Lada

I still have Adam Curtis’s The Mayfair Set, a TV series charting the decline of British power and the rise of the technocracy, recorded on video cassette somewhere. I consider him someone who can see through the emperor having no clothes, and in The Mayfair Set, he certainly saw through the Empire having no clothes. […]

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