My thanks to Sydney-based photographer Robert Catto for linking me to this one, especially near the festive season. It is funnier than the one I took in Sweden many years ago, which in pun-land could be racist: The sad thing is, at some point, the majority will not get […]
Category: humour
Irreverent and sometimes irrelevant thoughts.
What’s all this Johnny Foreigner type?
After all that bollocks from the Hon J. Rees-Mogg, MP about banning the metric system from the Commons, I thought the Brexit-loving Tories would at least get this right. That #Brexit bill is typeset in Palatino. That was designed by a German. Come on, people, don’t you want to use British typefaces? Tell Johnny Foreigner […]
How to come third in a mayoral election
One mayoral candidate recently asked me for my advice. I won’t name who it is, since I want those who contact me to know I’ll keep their communications in confidence. Now, the first thing to do is to get a time machine and ask me the same question 18 months earlier. But I […]
Volvo: boxy, but good
Long before Mad Men, and before I got into branding in a big way, I had an interest in advertising. One of the greatest send-ups of the industry was the 1990 Dudley Moore starrer Crazy People, set in the advertising industry against a politically incorrect—actually, cruel and inaccurate—look at mental health. It’s one of those […]
I’m still doing election campaign posters, just not what you thought
If I think so little of Big Tech, why do I remain on Twitter? Because of some great people. Like Dan, who Tweeted: If Boris Johnson’s Leadership campaign slogan isn’t ‘Give Britain a BJ’ then he’s not the man I though he was. — Dan (@AceMcWicked) June 24, 2019 Followed by: […]
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Spoiler alert: The Avengers’ endgame
I’m hearing the young people talk about this lately. But we already know how The Avengers ends. Then they come back with some new cast members years later. John Steed (Patrick Macnee) and Tara King (Linda Thorson) on board a rocket. You may also like Is your favourite 1980s’ celeb here? Not quite a […]
How to get a perfect 10 in reliability on Windows 10
I’ve had a great week with my new laptop, though it exhibits some of the same traits I’ve frequently seen with Windows 10: settings’ windows vanishing when attempting to load. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere on this blog, demo PCs I’ve seen at the store have terrible reliability history scores, and mine is no exception. It […]
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2019: replicants beware
Quick Tweet for the Blade Runner fans. It’s now 2019, which means Deckard has received his latest assignment. Some of those Nexus 6s are going to be retired. On a side note, if you didn’t get your Cherry 2000 out of Zone 7 in 2017, you’re shit out of luck.#BladeRunner — Jack Yan 甄爵恩 (@jackyan) […]
A more honest computing glossary
Since (mostly) leaving Facebook, and cutting down on Twitter, I’ve come to realize the extent of how outdated traditional computing definitions have become. To help those who need to get up to speed, I’ve compiled a few technobabble words and translated them into normal English. app: in many cases, an extremely limited web […]
How Silicon Valley and the Soviet Union are alike
Anton Troynikov’s banner on his Twitter account. I really enjoy Yakov Smirnoff’s old jokes about the Soviet Union, and the Russian reversal that is often associated with him. In the 21st century, I’ve used the odd one, such as, ‘In Russia, Olympics game you!’ and ‘In America, internet watch you!’. I’m sure I’ve done wittier […]
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