Computer-generated image of people at the Museum of the Future, photographed by the author. The people appear on a screen but in broken form, appearing as a collection of blue, lit pixels against a black background.

Forgetting humanity: the desperation of tech

Computer-generated image of people at the Museum of the Future, photographed by the author. The people appear on a screen but in broken form, appearing as a collection of blue, lit pixels against a black background.

How very interesting to see that the disinformation posts about me have stopped going up since I called out Semrush on their own subreddit. For four days I’ve not found any new ones on Google. The timing tells me that Semrush can, contrary to its response, adjust keywords, especially after learning the sheer hell their […]

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Big Tech lies: that’s the default position

If we take everything Big Tech says as a lie, then we wouldn’t be far off what is happening, rendering my recording of the examples I encounter in daily life unnecessary. We know they lie, and it would actually become more unusual to record the times they tell the truth or follow through with something. […]

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Using “AI”: you need to know when answers are disinformation

You need your wits about you more often than not, especially when Bing tells you MIT went online in 1881   Having come up blank in regular web searches on Mojeek, Google and Bing, I resorted to LLM-driven bots to see if they would help. I wanted to know if anyone predated Lucire into turning […]

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My real expert opinion on Google, SEO, and the mess that’s to come (not the LLM junk)

Skry being right on the money:     Still those web pages about me being a Google SEO expert or having an algorithm named for me are being indexed and prioritized by Google, all because Semrush hallucinated (or was there a malicious hand in this?), told a bunch of people (in south Asia, predominantly) about […]

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Is Google hiding content critical of itself—while losing the spam battle?

For a while I enjoyed getting some of the hits from the unwary searching for my name in association with the misinformation that Semrush allegedly generated. After all, it’s my name, and I should enjoy the hits for Google SEO jackyan in order to set the record straight, rather than have the unscrupulous among SEO […]

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Read all about the SEO algorithm that I developed for Google

P.P.PS., May 31, 2024: Since this post keeps getting linked by people posting disinformation, and seemingly by those using LLMs and are illiterate themselves, let me make things very clear to those who can read: there is no such thing as a Jackyan algorithm. The whole point of the title was to take the mickey […]

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Why web pages are becoming homogenized

Dan York in Vermont referred to Mia Sato’s article in The Verge today, on how Google has driven the bland, same-again websites out there. It does lay the blame at netizens more, and fairly so here, given that the desperation behind SEO has led many to employ certain tricks in order to make a buck […]

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Lucire unplugs from OnlyKlans, and we find more Wikiality

  I guess whomever wrote this in Wikipedia is being helpful, but the second pronunciation shown is not how you pronounce Lucire. It may be how you pronounce lucire, the quaint Romanian word, in Romanian, but it’s not the pronunciation of the magazine’s name. Maybe the Lucire Romania crew adopted this pronunciation when dealing with […]

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We’re past the sort of digital marketing that some seek: the mid-’20s are about integrated marcom again

When I first started working, there was a profession called corporate identity. It wasn’t called branding. I noticed the vernacular change in the 1990s, more so in the early 2000s when even Wally Olins started using it more to describe what Wolff Olins did. You just have to follow the market. We’re at a point […]

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You can’t contract yourself out of breaking the law, Google—that’s not how it works

Google has updated its privacy policy, giving itself carte blanche to take publicly available data to use for its large language models and “AI”. I don’t think whomever wrote the update has any comprehension of the law. Or that they do, but think they can get away with it. Maybe in their own country they […]

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