An old slant for Labour

I noticed this on April 28 and Tweeted about it, tagging the New Zealand Labour Party at the time. It still hasn’t been fixed as of today. That’s supposedly Commercial Type’s Stag Bold Italic in the headline, but someone has slanted the italic. Is this a signal that Labour leans to the right more than […]

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Where did all the manual transmissions go?

Above: The gear selector in the BMW i3, as tested in Lucire. See here for the full road test.   When I was searching for a car to buy after my previous one was written off in an accident, one no-brainer was that it had to be a manual. It can’t be that hard, right? […]

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New Plymouth responds

Well, that was a bit boring. It’s the New Plymouth District Council’s response to my earlier letter paying a parking fine. (Original Tumblr post here, if the graphic above does not show.) You may also like How to pay a parking ticket Taranaki food shop must be a front for international finance An old slant […]

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Travel diary (or, a diary that travels)

A photo posted by Jack Yan (@jack.yan) on Apr 9, 2016 at 10:31pm PDT A photo posted by Jack Yan (@jack.yan) on Apr 10, 2016 at 10:37pm PDT   What a fun project! In September, a class in a Québec school set its pupils a travel diary project. The idea: see how well travelled each […]

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How to pay a parking ticket

There’s one compelling reason to continue using cheques: the chance to write letters like this. In case the above image no longer shows, my original Tumblr post is here. You may also like New Plymouth responds Live from Level 3 What the suck? Happy New Year! Bring back humour to all, please! Has it really […]

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Autocade reaches 8,000,000 page views; viewing rate up slightly since last million

I had expected our car encyclopædia Autocade would reach 8,000,000 page views this month, just before its eighth anniversary. The difference was that this time, I was there last Monday GMT (the small hours of Tuesday in New Zealand) to witness the numbers tick over—almost.    Usually, I find out about the milestones ex post […]

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Bye to the US news app that ranks the Steven Joyce dildo incident above Martin Crowe’s passing

I’ve just switched from Inside, the much vaunted news app from entrepreneur Jason Calacanis, to Wildcard as my principal news app on my phone. I never got to use Circa (which I understand Jason was also behind), which sounded excellent: by the time I downloaded it, they had given up.    But we all need […]

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RIP Martin Crowe

Martin Crowe was not only our greatest batsman, but a gentleman and all-round decent bloke. I remember him as an honourable, nice guy, and soulmate to Lorraine, and it was a privilege to spend time with them both back in 2013. Back then, we had thought the worst was behind him; I am deeply sorry […]

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Meizu M2 Note: welcome to a Google-free mid-2010s

Other than for the landline, I’ve never bought a phone before. Each cellphone has come as a result of a company plan or a loyalty gift from the telco, but when my Huawei Ascend Y200 began needing resets several times a day—I’ve had computer experts tell me this is the phone, or the SD card […]

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The fall and rise and fall of Kim Dotcom, and why, according to the US, watching YouTube makes us all criminals

In response to a friend’s Facebook post applauding the possibility that Kim Dotcom would get extradited, two days ago. It’s unedited, other than the inclusion of a link and a note, and I apologize for the grammatical errors. Surely this remains the only case in the history of humankind where copyright is a multi-jurisdictional criminal […]

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