To our Sunday colleagues, you should still be on air

Above: Sunday host Miriama Kamo.   [Originally published in Lucire] To our colleagues at Television New Zealand’s Sunday, including Lucire alum Mava Moayyed, we bid you godspeed and good luck. Your programme didn’t deserve cancellation. This country needs proper, long-form current affairs, and with Sunday airing its final episode [on Sunday] night, this has come […]

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Which other Glen A. Larson production did this girl group appear in?

  This girl group appears in three Glen A. Larson productions that I can think of, and probably appears in more. Switch, Knight Rider and Cover Up are the three I know of. Their fashions and hairstyles, plus those of the audience, would place this in the first part of the 1970s—by the time they […]

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The allies who are helping fight back against misinformation

The truth-tellers are starting to emerge on the web, combatting the misinformation that Semrush users have been uploading for the last few months. The best written is from Crestify Studio in New Jersey, where its president Allen Wang has been a great ally. They were innocently and very briefly caught up in the misinformation but, […]

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Testing occidental search engines on site: again: Mojeek, Bing more normal

It was about time I had a look at the occidental search engines again, using a search to see how they fared. The previous test for this site was in May 2023. I knew Google was still terrible, and I knew Bing had improved since the days of having 10 results for the domain. […]

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Google ranks LLM-authored junk highly

One very interesting development in the whole fight against misinformation using my name is that Google won’t give me a right of reply through this blog.     You’d logically think that an authoritative site would appear higher, all things being fair, but my posts about the spammy keywords don’t appear in the results. Misinformation, […]

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The logical consequence of Semrush and its users’ misinformation: personal attacks

  This is the natural consequence of all the misinformation that Semrush encouraged its users to post through the crap generated by its Keyword Magic Tool: people attacking me on Reddit. And who can blame them? It could well look like I was behind this spam campaign, instead of being the victim. The deleted comment […]

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WordPerfect for Linux and Unix character terminals

  Huge thanks to Paul Kater in the Netherlands for finding these: WordPerfect for Unix character terminals and WordPerfect for Linux. These are classic WordPerfect, without the WYSIWYG UI, but given that WordPerfect was the gold standard in word processors, I’ve no doubt that it’ll beat many of its newer rivals for power and functionality. […]

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For the sake of our city, it’s important to take the opportunities to move forward

The late 1990s were a heady time here in Aotearoa. The web—pre-Google, pre-monopolies—was indeed the great leveller: anyone with the right skills could create something online that competed at a global level. Aotearoa, which had for years felt a little backward in time—TV shows would arrive here two to three years after they aired in […]

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Healthy jumps on Autocade

I’m happy to note that Autocade has had a few high-traffic days again, the first time the daily rate has exceeded 30,000 page views since we put the site behind Cloudflare. After the site was reinstalled in 2022 and the counter reset, Autocade’s Mediawiki totals only update once a day.   April 18: 8,633,966 total […]

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Do you really want a Nazi brand association?

Dan Gillmor wrote:     I share Dan’s view. Not only that, why would anyone want their brand—corporate or personal—to be tarnished by Musk and his simplified swastika? Yes, my account is still there, inactive (and locked), making sure no one takes the handle. That’s just prudent, because the one thing worse than having your […]

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