The folly of Windows 10

Now that I’ve gone four days without a BSOD, it does appear Microsoft realized it had rolled out another lemon, and, nearly two months later, patched things. Goodness knows how many hours it has cost people worldwide—the forums have a lot of people reporting BSODs (maybe it’s confirmation bias, but I really don’t remember this […]

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The path of least resistance: we humans aren’t discerning enough sometimes

I came across a thread at Tedium where Christopher Marlow mentions Pandora Mail as an email client that took Eudora as a starting-point, and moved the game forward (e.g. building in Unicode support).    As some of you know, I’ve been searching for an email client to use instead of Eudora (here’s something I wrote […]

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Windows 10, with the BSOD-prone Creators fall update, is calming down

I wonder if we have finally got there with Windows 10’s many BSOD crashes.    Since my last post on the subject in late January, I have had a few more BSODs, but (knock on wood) things have been more stable for a few days. Then again, I haven’t pushed the computer quite as much. […]

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Windows Unreliability Monitor

Microsoft should rename Windows’ Reliability Monitor to Unreliability Monitor.    This isn’t too unusual for Windows 10, is it?    I’ve put Oracle Virtualbox and Cyberlink Power2Go back on, because it’s becoming more apparent that Windows 10 is incompatible with my hard drives in certain circumstances. It’s always when a drive (including a phone set […]

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Another program rendered incompatible with Windows 10’s fall Creators update

It’s fast becoming apparent that Windows 10’s fall Creators update is a lemon, just like the original Windows 10.    As those of you who have followed my posts know, my PC began BSODing multiple times daily, on average. There were brief interludes (it went for three days without a BSOD once, and yesterday it […]

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Mozy driver could have been behind 100–200 BSODs since the Windows 10 Creators fall update was installed

A post shared by Jack Yan 甄爵恩 (@jack.yan) on Jan 14, 2018 at 4:04 p.m. PST Two very helpful people—bwv848 at Bleeping Computer and Sumit Dhiman at Microsoft—have taken me through the steps to figure out what was going on with my Windows 10 desktop computer, on which I’ve had between 100 and 200 BSODs […]

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Solving my BSODs with Windows 10 Creators fall update—it’s not the usual culprits

Amazingly, Microsoft Windows 10 Creators fall update arrived last week on my desktop PC, and it took all of 25 minutes to do (running a Crucial 525 Gbyte SSD). (Add an extra 35 minutes for me to put my customizations back in.) This is in contrast to the Anniversary update, which took 11 attempts over […]

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Capricious Cortana

I have never seen a program as inconsistent as Microsoft’s Cortana.    We were always taught that computers were very logical, that they all followed a certain set of code each time.    Not so Cortana, which has had more different behaviours than anything I have ever seen.    When I run into technical issues, […]

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My first day with Windows 10

I never expected that the Windows 10 download would ever begin. I had registered for it, but the Windows 10 notification window kept coming up with various excuses, talking about my drivers being out of date, then claiming that because of the automatic log-in, the download would not start. Clicking ‘Tell me more’ never did […]

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The best mouse to buy might be a dead-stock one made in 2005

With the mouse being the culprit on my main computer causing mouse and keyboard to be unresponsive in Windows 7 (I’ve still no idea when Windows 10 arrives and Microsoft has been no help at all), I decided to shop for a new one again.    The failed mouse was one I bought in 2012, […]

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