The religiosity of the superbrands

Another friend asked the Windows laptop v. Macbook question on her Facebook today.    You can predict what happens next. The cult came by. As with the last time a friend asked the same question.    The cult always comes and proclaims the superiority of the Apple Macintosh. And it is a blinding proclamation, of […]

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Sounds familiar? Works on all browsers, except for IE8

I’m sure this is familiar to anyone who has done web development. Lucire has a new home page and the tests show: Firefox on Mac, Windows, Ubuntu: OK Chromium on Windows: OK IE9 and IE10: OK Safari on Mac OS X, Iphone and Ipad: OK Dolphin on Android: OK A really old version of Seamonkey […]

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I’m not the only one who has a problem with Internet Explorer

I realize software crashes can happen to anyone at any time, even Microsoft Windows president Steve Sinofsky, when demonstrating the new Microsoft Surface tablets in front of an audience in Los Angeles.    However, it does remind me of the year where Internet Explorer 9 would not work on any of our computers. The question […]

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Testing the browsers: which has the best typography?

Con Carlyon inspired this post today. He’s kept an eye on the best browser and forwarded me a test from TechCrunch where Firefox, Chrome, IE9 and Opera 11 are pitted against one another. The victors are Firefox and Chrome.    My needs are quite different from most people. For starters, the number-one criterion for me […]

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Looks like the Microsoft man was wrong about this, too

A final postscript on my IE9 blank-window bug, again solved, as so many technological matters are here, by not following the advice of a self-proclaimed “expert”.    Hayton at the McAfee forums—which seem to be populated with polite people—mentioned the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer earlier today. This checks for what updates are missing, etc.   […]

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History has already shown us the better way, so why ape an outmoded market leader?

A friend had his Gmail hacked, and, much like an Atlantic article I read in the print edition a few months ago, the hackers deleted his entire mailbox. Google says these hacks only happen a few thousand times daily.    I’m concerned for him because he has to deal with the Google forums, and we […]

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The revenge of Arial

To think, if I actually followed the advice of the Microsoft expert, I would still have a non-functioning Internet Explorer 9 that displayed blank pages. Rule no. 1: when it comes to computing, never follow the advice of a self-righteous expert. An everyday user who found out things the hard way, sure. An expert who […]

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Microsoft: if IE9 displays blank pages, it’s your own fault, so format your hard drive

You’ve got to hand it to some folks for discovering words in their “word-a-day” calendars and they feel compelled to use it.    If you go to Microsoft Answers, there are dozens of people wondering why their Internet Explorer 9s don’t display anything. So, I decided to report the bug I have had since March, […]

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Thoughts from a thoroughly modern machine

After I got back from India, my desktop computer went into meltdown. This was Nigel Dunn’s old machine, which I took over after he went to Australia, and it gave me excellent service for over two years.    I wasn’t prepared to go and buy a brand-new machine, but having made the plunge, I’m glad […]

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Internet Explorer 9 can’t even display Microsoft’s own page

After this issue with Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, I went to the McAfee forums to record it so others knew.    The McAfee volunteers and tech support guys have, in the last while, been fantastic. There’s one volunteer there, Peter, who’s always been right. So I would be foolish to ignore their advice.    You […]

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