The end of US ’net neutrality: another step toward the corporate internet

Elijah van der Giessen/Open Media/Creative Commons That’s it for ’net neutrality in the US. The FCC has changed the rules, so their ISPs can throttle certain sites’ traffic. They can conceivably charge more for Americans visiting certain websites, too. It’s not a most pessimistic scenario: ISPs have attempted this behaviour before.    It’s another step […]

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Autocade hits 13 million; and what’s the deal with Nissan’s withdrawal from mainstream passenger cars?

Some time during May, Autocade exceeded 13 million page views. I can’t tell you the exact day, since it wasn’t a milestone that we’re socialized into noticing: I just happened across it one evening last week. It’s currently on 3,665 model entries, the latest being the Porsche 944. Admittedly, we haven’t added the premium brands […]

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We’ve been here before: foreign-owned media run another piece supporting an asset sale

Clilly4/Creative Commons I see there’s an opinion piece in Stuff from the Chamber of Commerce saying the Wellington City Council should sell its stake in Wellington Airport, because it doesn’t bring in that much (NZ$12 million per annum), and because Auckland’s selling theirs.    It’s not too dissimilar to calls for the Council to sell […]

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Instagram videos of between 2′50″ and 7′03″: it can be done, but some are hidden

As you saw in the previous post’s postscripts, it is possible to upload videos of longer than one minute to Instagram, but Instagram may or may not let the public see them. If you want people to see your videos for sure, then keep them to the standard minute. But if you want to chance […]

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You can post two-minute videos on Instagram, but no one will ever see them

Updated in a follow-up post: click here. Since Facebook bought Instagram, it’s been getting buggier, of course.    I’ve complained about Instagram uploading a series of posts in a totally different order to what I had (which, on ANZAC Day, made it difficult for anyone to follow the story I was trying to tell on […]

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Turned alcohol ads off in Facebook? Did you honestly think they’d respect that?

Steve Wozniak has quit Facebook, and apparently was surprised at the advertising preferences that the company had built up on him. Like me, Woz had been deleting the ad preferences and advertisers one at a time. Now, if Woz is surprised, then it shows you how serious it is. As I noted in my last […]

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Is the death of expertise tied to the Anglosphere?

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Boris Johnson: usually a talented delivery, but with conflicting substance.   I spotted The Death of Expertise at Unity Books, but I wonder if the subject is as simple as the review of the book suggests.    There’s a lot out there about anti-intellectualism, and we know it’s not an exclusively […]

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Happy birthday: Autocade turns 10

Above: Autocade can be hard work—and sometimes you have to put up less exciting vehicles, like the 2001–7 Chrysler Town & Country, for it to be a useful resource. March 8, 2018 marks 10 years of Autocade.    I’ve told the story before on this blog and elsewhere, about how the site came to be—annoyed […]

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It’s as though Statistics New Zealand set up this year’s census to fail

You have to wonder if the online census this year has been intentionally bad so that the powers that be can call it a flop and use it as an excuse to delay online voting, thereby disenfranchising younger voters.    It’s the Sunday before the census and I await my access code: none was delivered, […]

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Instagram-created art

I don’t know if Instagram does this on all phones, but when I make multi-photo posts, it often leaves behind a very interesting image. Sometimes, the result is very artistic, such as this one of a Lotus–Ford Cortina Mk II.     You can see the rear three-quarter shot just peer in through the centre. […]

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